Poolshield (registered Trade Mark) ls an innovative system of relining a old marbellte/concrete or fibreglass pool or simply lining a new concrete shell. A guaranteed system for swimming pools that will give the pool owner confidence that his pool is resistant against osmosis , blistering and flaking. This comes from extensive tests in both the field and laboratory Based on a unique Vinyl Ester resin hybrid Poolshield has the features that will out perform other systems on the market.
- Can be applied onto gunite, concrete & old fibreglass surfaces
- Easy to use in pool lining , three simple steps .
- Similar to painting of walls.
- Economlcal.
- Low water uptake
- High resistance to attack by water that causes hydrolysis and subsequently osmosis
A further test , (also called the turtle box test) shows the time that it takes for a laminate to produce blistering has proven that Poolshleld lasts more than 10 tlmes that of the standard pool linlng of chop strand matt , tissue and topcoat. This can equal up 20 years in the ground. Poolshield prevents water from entering into the laminate due to its low water absorption. In the event of some migration of the water; the structure of specialised plate-like fillers, made of millions of flakes layered into the resin will prevent penetration, resulting ln llttle or no osmosis or bllsterlng.